Our History
Our historic roots in this country can be traced back to the 2nd great awakening in the very early 1800's. Many men back then decided they wanted to leave the denominational setting they found themselves in and restore the simple New Testament gospel found in God's word.
The result of their work was numerous local, independent congregations across the country that said they were the church of Christ. What they meant was 'the church that belonged to Christ.' (Setting up another denomination was the last thing they intended.) They did not use the term in a denominational sense and neither do we.
We identify with their effort to go back to the New Testament and restore in our hearts and practice what Jesus said He would build in Matthew 16:18.
The Tracy church began worshiping at the present location in the late 1960's. It started with only a few members and eventually grew into a congregation of about 170.
As is true across California, the financial problems of the mid 2000's and covid have reduce that number but we are still here and God is certainly with us. We rejoice in all His blessings.
We hope you will appreciate our simple, direct approach to scripture and worship to our loving God